Welcome to TCG Custom Packs Newsletter! We can't thank you enough for all your support in the community. It means the world to us.
The store was busy all week and so was Twitch. You guys are so great. It touches Meho every single time when someone shows support!
We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions for Meho, or to let us know what you think of the newsletter, and what things you might like included. Email us at tcgcustompacks@gmail.com or talk to him in
Until Next Time!
Thought we would celebrate the season with some Christmas Themed Pokemon Coloring Pages!
We added a few sealed boxes to the Twitch Community Deals! If you are part of Meho2007's Twitch Community and have a bin, you qualify for discounts and the items will be shipped with the cards from your bin! Check out the new categories under the "Shop"
Dropdown too!
Large Promo Cards with Toploader
We are offering a wide variety of 5x7 Promo cards with toploaders for only $5 for the Twitch Community!
Shout of to Toaster being one of Meho's main mods. Meho gave him 8 packs of Fusion Strike and he hit an Alternate Art Celebi. (Don't worry, Bago has this one).
- We have had several Hype Trains this week. Thanks to all of you who make this possible. Your support means so much!
- Welcome Survival and The Keeblernator...both first time breakers!
- Thanks to Dotman and Mini for doing a sub battle. We back up to over 200 subs. Thanks to the community for all your support. Couldn't do it without you.
- We have been offering some sealed boxes and sets for the community. We will be adding a few more before Christmas.
- Thanks to Abigail and her husband Flo for doing a boostbox battle: Chilling Reign versus a Fusion Strike. Abby won!
- Thanks to Bago for always supporting the store and being faithful the Stream with all you have going.
- The Fish Family were thrown some curveballs this week so Meho did a Shiny Fates battle and Fish pulled a The Shining Fates Charizard!
- Congrats Snowflake on your PSA 9 Gyarados Slab. Thanks to Apple Cider for all your random giveaways!
- Thanks to everyone who supports not only the store but the Stream with Bitties, Scare Alerts, and subs. We couldn't do this without you. DonDon, you always scare Meho and it makes me laugh!
Since we have been having so much funs scaring the bejesus out of Meho, we are keep the scary alters another month. Those noses truly startle him and scare him half to death! Thanks for all the support...and for the laughs! We have added some new alerts this month for the Christmas Season.
Ali opened this entire box of Shining Fates without even one hit! Better luck next time!