Hi Welcome to Meho2007 Newsletter! We are nothing without our community and we want you to know we are so grateful for your support and all you do! Thanks for being such a community! So glad that Meho is back up and running! We hate when we have techinical difficulties! Thanks for your patience and your loyalty to us! Have a great week! Until Next Time! MamaMeho
Everyone needs a helping hand once in a while. Be that person who helps others without expecting anything back!
We will be doing Meho's Wheel on live on stream. Buy in is $15 and you will have a chance at winning slabs, packs, battle decks, and banger cards. We will set the date of the actual pull box event as soon as we sell out with 100 entries.
No maximum entries!
Prizes are:
36 packs of Astral Radiance with card V or higher 36 packs of Silver Tempests with card V or higher 11 packs of Brilliant Stars with card V or higher 2 Lycanroc vs. Corviknight V Battle
Deck 14 PSA or CGC graded Slabs 1 Grand Prize - PSA7 Blastoise valued at over $110.
Bonus: Free Vintage Card if you don't get a V or higher out of your winning pack. And yes, Bounties are active! We are closing down the entries this week and will be spinning the wheel next week. Stay tuned to Meho to see the exact day and time. So if you
have been putting off buying your spot, you better do it this week!
- First Time Breakers over here....Welcome to the community iinkkz and PA1NTS!
- We sold out of Triple Beat. If anyone is interested in them let Meho know and we will try to get more!
- Special to shout out to Zodiark for helping Meho with his computer issues and helping him pick out his new
computer. Thanks for your input, too, Toaster!
- We are so thankful to our Community! You guys show support in so many ways...on the store, gifting subs, bitties, being in chat. We could not even exist without you and you bring us a lot of joy!
- Sylvah did a Crown Zenith opening and got several hits!
- For the month of March top three gifted subs and top 3 Bitties will win a slab.
- Nice to see MattHall in chat! Also glad to see Cypher, r2ampage6, Meggz, Kickinwing420, Elf, Kanuka, Megh_an, Armyofone,
facelessjim, kiktzy, fantasyfuel, hermderm, figflash, gohangered, Donny, Toaster, Crazy, Stabs, Roidrage, Benrowe, Zuzu, Diego and Mana! Thanks as well for your orders on the store!
- Happy Birthday to RoidRage, Cyphur, and OGLadyGoddess!
- Thanks so much to Jesteriah for all the purchases from the shop that he donated to the community. You
- Nice to see EasyTCG in the stream! We love raiding him!
- Thanks to Iconic for purchasing a BOOM! shirt from the Merch store! We so appreciate it!
- Thanks to the Mods, Toaster, Crazy, BDubs, Elf, and ViperDad. Couldn't do what we do without you! Thanks for always having
Meho's back.
- Thanks for checking out MamaMeho's shop called FamilyTymesMarket!
- Thanks to EVERYONE who purchases breaks from the shop. Your loyal support is so appreciated!
- Special Thanks to Stabber Stu for sending me money for flowers for my birthday. It is very sweet of you and made me feel
Thanks to DanSchime , Broly, Rockchick, and Swedish fish for raiding us this week!
I will never be too old to enjoy my birthday! Meho and BrotherMeho are coming over for "Dinner and a Movie" this week for my Birthday and SisterMeho is taking me out to dinner on my birthday. We love birthdays so much we have "Birthday Weeks!". Mine starts today! By the way...I am 61! Might as well be proud
of it! |