Hi Welcome to Meho2007 Newsletter! We are nothing without our community and we want you to know we are so grateful for your support and all you do! Thanks for being such a fantastic community!
Have a great week! Until Next
Time! MamaMeho
Meho's Wheel of Fortune was so much fun! Everyone enjoyed it so much, Meho is planning another one. Entry cost is $19.99 and it is a steal! Meho has so much great stuff on this wheel. Click below to find out
We have a WINNER! MisfitAngel won the set of 4 Pet Memorial Stones! I will give to Meho to put in your bin to ship
out! Thanks to everyone who signed up. I appreciate it.
- First time breakers over here.... Welcome to the Community Corpsesr, PokeMtn,Chasse, punisher, and Greasycamboy69.
- If you are a new breaker and don't see your name it is because you didn't include it in your order. Please make sure you include your twitch handle on all orders!
- If you are
interested in seeing a past issues of the newsletter just click here!
- Thanks to those who are always in Chat. It inspires Meho.
- Glad to see Viking, PokemonHub905 back in the
- Thanks to you all who are contantly supporting the store including Toaster, isatatoku, Zodiark, Trent, Stabs, Viper, Sylvah, Anarchy, kikzty, Iconic, Elf, Occifer, Zerg, Afroninja, Zerg, Lypradario, Ben,
- Thanks to Ben & Diego for always being in chat.
- Thanks to Family Unboxing for working with us on a special project to make the store better for you guys!
- We are so thankful to our Community! You guys show support in so many ways...on the store, gifting
subs, bitties, being in chat. We could not even exist without you and you bring us a lot of joy!
- Thanks to the Mods, Toaster, Crazy, BDubs, Elf, ViperDad, Polarburs. and Kay.
- The store hasn't been very busy this week. I am sure you guys are waiting for the new Paldea set to come out. We have
ours on order! Thanks to those who keep supporting the store, especially in slow time!
- Meho is still hosting Community Game Nights on Saturday Nights! Feel free to join in the fun!
- If I forgot anyone I will catch you next week! Sometimes you don't get mentioned because you don't include your twitch handle on
the store!
- Thanks to zodiark for the new youtube video that posted. You can visit it by clicking here. Thanks to
all of you for making Ali feel like a superstar.
- The Brilliant Stars Booster Bundle are back on the store. Been having fun with these!
- Thanks to the entire community for being so supportive and a great family.
Mexican for Lunch...on the Stream!
Not the most flattering picture of MamaMeho (thanks Meho for taking the pic mid-bite!) but we had a great (and filling time) eating
at Senior Leon's Mexican Restauraunt in our home town. And thanks to many of you, it was on the Stream! Thanks to all who donated so we could have this time together. And yes, Meho did yell at us, and yes, we still love him.
Bragging Rights If you want to brag about someone or share a special event about yourself, please write MamaMeho at patti.chadwick@juno.com! |