Welcome to Meho2007 Newsletter! Hope you are all having a great week! The weather here has been wonderful...hope you are all
having a great spring. Also want to wish all you Moms out there a Happy Mother's Day. Your job is soooo important!
We pre-ordered our sets of the latest Pokemon set Twighlight Masquerade coming out on May
24. We will put on the store soon!
We are trying to spread the word about Meho's Stream so Raids are very important to us
and much appreciated. Thanks to Ghost Odin, Iconic, NerdyGirl, and Quicksilver the raids!
We had a great time during our "Fun-A-Thon" last week. Thanks to all who supported
us, especially Nerdy Girl, Lerpderp, and Roland. You guys are the best!
We had a new breaker this week, but no twitch handle was on the order. But you know who you are so welcome to the community! Please help us spread the word about Meho's stream by inviting your friends!
If you are a new breaker (or a regular) and don't see your name it is because you didn't include it in your order. Please make sure you include your twitch handle on all orders!
Remember when you have time
to post in Meho Mail in Discord. It means a lot to Meho.
Happy Birthday to Viper Dad's kids Angela and Logan. Hey Logan, Meho says he's not banned!
Thanks to all the Mods...Toaster, Viper, Misstique, Happy, Crazy, Bdubs, Lerpderp, and Zodiark! Appreciate you guys.
If you are interested in seeing a past issues of the newsletter just click here!
We are so thankful to our Community! You are all so thoughtful and giving to Meho with subs and bitties and always supporting the store.
Make sure you include your Twitch handle on orders so I can include you.
Shout out to WifeyMeho, Nerdygirl, and 58 for te extra support you have given on the shop this week. It is
Nice to see you on chat and on the store Dubsteezy, JohnnySilver and Corpser. Glad to have you
WifeyMeho pulled and $85 Malificent Card from Lorcano First Chapter. Very cool!
Thanks for the subs & bitties. You can check out the LeaderBoard to see who is leading the way!
Thanks for those who purchased from the shop this week including WifeyMeho, Nerdygirl, 58, Enigma1017, Elf, Viper, Unknown,
CharlesTeaJones, Ben, Johnnysilver, and Pete. Much appreciated!
Congratulations on getting the new job, Toaster!
Ali's Dance Recital
Dance Recital Day for Ali. She did great and we celebrated with video games & lunch at or favorite
Bragging Rights
If you want to brag about someone or share a special event about yourself, please write MamaMeho at patti.chadwick@juno.com!