- First Time Breakers over here! Welcome to the Community chrisdog943, DannyJ, Liracle and YankeeGirl!
- If you are a new breaker (or a regular) and don't see your name it is
because you didn't include it in your order. Please make sure you include your twitch handle on all orders!
- The BB Game is up to over 124 packs! Come take a chance to win! We ordered new packs, but the price has gone up so we will have to raise the price to the BB Game so beat the price hike and purchase soon to
be a part of the game and hopefully win the Kitty!
- The New Disney Lorcano set, Shimmering Skies is in. MamaMeho has been having fun opening her booster box!
- Tuesday
was a fantastic day on the Shop and on Stream. Thanks to everyone who participated!
- Check out the shop. It has been revamped a bit
to make things easier to find.
- Remember when you have time to post in Meho Mail in Discord. It means a lot to Meho.
- Shout out to ShadowCity_AJ, Toaster, and Poketrainer for the massive support this week.
- There are several fun ways to participate in Stream including the Raffle, BB game, Top 10 End of the Month Raffle, Booba Wheel, and Binder Raffles. Come take a chance!
- Thanks to all the Mods...Toaster, Viper, Misstique, Happy, Crazy, Bdubs, Lerpderp, and Zodiark! Appreciate you guys.
- If you are interested in seeing a
past issues of the newsletter just click here!
- We are so thankful to our Community! So many of you offer love and support and we really appreciate it! You help keep a roof over Meho's head.
- Thanks to everyone who gave bitties and subs this week. They are so important to keeping Meho streaming everyday and please know how much he appreciates it. He is trying to get his sub base up again and is offering some great incentives!
| - Shout out to those who placed orders the last 2 weeks on the shop including, Miztique, FantasyFuel, ViperDad, Forgotten, Foo, Sbrocli, ShadowCity_AJ, HawaiianTee, Meepmepin, Elf, Ben, tkl_spades, Maliek, Toaster, PSC3, Liracle, YikesSpikes, Poketrainer, YankeeGirl, and BlooRazz0912. If you don't see your name listed it is because your twitch handle was not included on order! Make sure you include it so I can include you! Thank you all
for your support
- If we missed mentioning anyone this week, please know it is nothing personal, just an oversight by a busy MamaMeho and we will
catch you at a later date. We appreciate you ALL.